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You can customize the selectable options that appear for many fields on the Access Manager Privileges tab.


The source for the list of roles is the data page D_AccessRoleList. By default the data page retrieves all roles defined in the current application rulesets.

To modify the list:

  1. Create a report definition, data transform, or custom activity which returns the instances of Rule-Access-Role-Name that you want, providing for each instance pyAccessRole, pyLabel, and pyRuleSet.
  2. Save a copy of D_AccessRoleList into your application's ruleset to override the default instance.
  3. Change the source of your copy of D_AccessRoleList to reference the report definition, data transform, or custom activity you created in step 1.

Case types

The source for the list of case types is the data page D_CaseTypeList. By default the data page uses a report definition to return the list of case types in the current application.

To modify the list:

  1. Create a report definition, data transform, or custom activity which returns the instances of Rule-Obj-Class that you want, providing for each instance pyClassName and pyLabel.
  2. Save a copy of D_CaseTypeList into your application's ruleset to override the default instance.
  3. Change the source of your copy of D_CaseTypeList to reference the report definition, data transform, or custom activity you created in step 1.

Data types

The source for the list of data types is the data page D_DataTypeList. By default the data page uses a report definition to return the list of data types in the current application and frameworks.

To modify the list:

  1. Create a report definition, data transform, or custom activity which returns the instances of Rule-Obj-Class that you want, providing for each instance pyClassName and pyLabel.
  2. Save a copy of D_DataTypeList into your application's ruleset to override the default instance.
  3. Change the source of your copy of D_DataTypeList to reference the report definition, data transform, or custom activity you created in step 1.


The source for the list of privileges is the data page D_PrivilegeList. By default the data page uses a report definition to return the list of privileges in the current application.

To modify the list:

  1. Create a report definition, data transform, or custom activity which returns the instances of Rule-Access-Privilege that you want, providing for each instance pyPrivilegeName and pyLabel.
  2. Save a copy of D_PrivilegeList into your application's ruleset to override the default instance.
  3. Change the source of your copy of D_PrivilegeList to reference the report definition, data transform, or custom activity you created in step 1.

Access Whens

Note: To conditionally control which privileges appear, you must be logged in as an operator associated with an access group containing the PegaRULES:SecurityAdministrator role.

Access whens govern which privileges appear when you set access to roles to "Conditional".

To modify the list of access whens:

  1. Create a report definition, data transform, or custom activity which returns the instances of Rule-Access-When that you want, providing for each instance pyBlockName and pyLabel.
  2. Save a copy of D_AccessWhenList into your application's ruleset to override the default instance.
  3. Change the source of your copy of D_AccesswhenList to reference the report definition, data transform, or custom activity you created in step 1.

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