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Completing the JMS tab

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Use the JMS tab to identify the JMS provider, the destination system, and characteristics of the messages between PRPC and the JMS provider.



Connection Properties  
JNDI Server

SmartPromptSelect the name of a JNDI server data object (instance of Data-Admin-Connect-JNDIServer) that contains environment settings for the JNDI server. The JNDI server looks up the JMS provider through its Environment Naming Context (ENC).

This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=.PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyJNDIServer. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.

Connection Factory

SmartPromptSelect the appropriate JMS connection factory from the list.

This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=.PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyConnectionFactory. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.

Factory Username

If the connector needs to connect to the queue as an authenticated user, specify the username.

Factory Password

If the connector needs to connect to the queue as an authenticated user, specify the password for the user you specified in the Factory Username field.

JMS Producer Model

SmartPromptSelect a JMS Producer Model data instance that defines message characteristics.

Message Type

Select the message type, one of the two choices in the SOAP over JMS standard:

  • Text — A Java String, a java.language.String object
  • Byte — A stream of bytes with no explicit structure.
Dynamic Destination?

Select to specify that a temporary queue is to be created to hold the response message.

When cleared, PRPC uses the queue specified in the Destination Name. The connector obtains the Correlation ID from the message ID, unless the Correlation ID is mapped on the Request tab.

Destination Name

SmartPromptOptional. If you are not using a dynamic destination, select the name of a queue or topic managed by the JMS provider identified by the Connection Factory field.

The JMS producer model specified in the JMS Producer Model field must be configured to use Point-to-Point.

This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=.PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyDestinationResponse. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.

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