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This term has multiple uses.

Template rules

A few standard flows, decision trees, flow actions, harnesses, sections, and activities are marked as templates, indicating that they may be valuable sources that you can copy.

When completing the Create form, you can select a template rule to copy as a starting point for the new rule. This is equivalent of the Save As operation but eliminates the need for you to locate the rule to copy from those in a long list.

The standard property Rule-.pyMethodStatus records this designation.

Correspondence templates and Word templates

Informally, a correspondence rule (Rule-Obj-Corr rule type) or a Word Template rule (Rule-Template-Word rule type) rule is sometimes called a "template".

SmartLayout templates

When creating a SmartLayout, choose a template to control the number of columns created: Single, Double or Triple.

Definition SmartLayout
Related topics About Correspondence rules
Completing the Create form
