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Completing the Create, Save As or Specialization form

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NOTE: As a best practice, before creating a new list view rule, it is strongly recommended that you investigate using a report definition instead. The New form displays a message with information about that alternative.

Records can be created in various ways. You can add a brand new record to your application or copy an existing one. Existing rules can be specialized by creating a copy into a specific ruleset, against a different class or (in some cases) with a set of circumstance definitions. Data instances may be copied but do not support specialization as they are not versioned.

Based on your use case, the Create, Save As or Specialization form is used to create the record. The number of fields and available options vary by record type. Start by familiarizing yourself with the generic layout of these forms and their common fields:

This help topic then identifies the key parts and options that are applicable to the record type you are creating.

Create a list view rule by selecting List View from the Reports category.

Key parts:

A list view rule has three key parts:



Apply to

Select a class for this list view rule. Choose:

  • A concrete class to report only on instances of that class, stored as rows in a database table.
  • An abstract class that is parent of concrete classes, to define a rule that at runtime can report on instances of a single class derived from the abstract class. The activity referenced in the Content tab must accept, as an input parameter, a concrete class equal to or derived from the class you enter here.
  • A concrete class that corresponds to a view of the PegaRULES database, to report on the rows of that view.

If you are creating a list view rule to report on work items, choose carefully whether you want to save the rule in an implementation class and RuleSet, or in a framework class and RuleSet. At runtime, list view rules with a framework class as the Apply to class can automatically report on work items in the associated implementation class. To enable this feature, select the Report on Descendant Class Instances option on the Contents tab.

The list of available class names may depend on the ruleset you select. Each class may restrict rules applying to that class to an explicit set of rulesets as specified on the Advanced tab of the class form.


Enter a purpose to identify this list view rule; the purpose you enter forms a Java identifier. Begin it with a letter and use only letters and digits. See How to enter a Java identifier.

In contrast to most rule names, you cannot use a dash (hyphen) in this key part.


By convention, enter the keyword ALL as the initial owner of this list view rule. Using the Customize This View facility, appropriately authorized users can later create personal copies from an ALL rule.

The Owner value of a personal list view rule is an Operator ID name. By convention, such personal rules, are placed in a RuleSet and version designated to this limited purpose; the rules in such RuleSet versions are not typically moved from one PRPC system to another.

Rule resolution

When searching for list view rules, the system:

Circumstance-qualified rule resolution features are available for ListView rules. Time-qualified rule resolution features are not.

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