You are here: Portals > Case Manager portal > Team management > Managing teams

Managing teams

As a case manager, or the manager of a team, you can modify team information in Case Manager when team management, membership, or work changes.

  1. In the Case Manager portal, click My Teams to open the Teams page.
  2. Select the team that you want to edit.
  3. On the Team Profile page, click Actions > Edit team info to open the Edit team dialog box. You can edit team information in the following ways: 
  4. To manage team membership, in the Members panel click Edit to open the Edit Members dialog box.

Note: A user cannot be removed from a team if the current team is the only one to which they belong.

  1. You can add or remove work queues from the Work queues panel.

Note: A work queue cannot be deleted if it contains work items.

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