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Document Application tool

The Document Application tool captures information and images from any application in your stack and generates customizable application, application profile, and specification documents that you can share with stakeholders.

This tool generates a Microsoft Word file. Before you use the Document Application tool, verify that Microsoft Word is installed on your local machine. In addition, verify that Visio is installed on your client. You need these applications to view the generated documents, including any embedded entity relationship diagrams (ERDs).

The following document types are available:

When you customize one of these documents, you can save the document configuration settings for reuse. The tool lists all of the saved configuration settings, which you can filter by document name, application name, user, and date and time. Also, you can package document configuration settings to import to another system and reuse for another application.

For additional customization based on your project and application needs, you can update or overwrite the templates used by the Document Application tool.

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