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Application Overview landing page

The Application Overview landing page provides a complete view of your application. Use the robust set of options to quickly capture, update, and document your application profile.

Access the landing page by selecting Open Overview from the Application menu.

Quick actions

The landing page header displays the short description of the application and an Actions menu.

Click the short description to open the application rule.

Select an option from the Actions menu to quickly view or modify an aspect of your application profile. Options include:



Document Application

Select a submenu item to create a Word document:

  • Application Profile — This option uses default values, your application name, and operator organization to create an application profile.
  • Application Document — Launchs the Document Application tool. This option allows you to enter input values before creating the document.
Generate Sizing

Select this option to launch the Sizing wizard. This wizard creates reusable spreadsheets that help you estimate project size and duration.

Package Application

Select a submenu item to create an archive:

  • Basic — Run the Application Packaging wizard without prompts for input. This option uses default values to package the application into a .jar file. It does not create a product rule.
  • Advanced — Launch the Application Packaging wizard. This option allows you to enter input values before creating the archive and associated product rule.
Lock Application or Unlock Application

Select this option to password protect your application in development environments.

When your application is locked, the lock icon appears in the landing page header and the Edit button in many sections is disabled.

Application Cases

This section displays a list of your top-level case types.

Click the name to open the case type in Case Designer.


This section displays the high-level description for your application.

Click Edit to update the description. As a best practice, enter text that describes the purpose of your application or the business value it adds to the organization.

The text you specify populates the Description field on the History tab of the application form.

Business Objectives

This section displays a list of expected business outcomes and objectives for your application.

Click Edit to make the grid open for edit. You can:

Click Save when you are finished.

The values you specify in this section are used to populate the Business objectives list on the Documentation tab of the application form.


This section displays the number of items in each application profile component.

Click any component name:

For more information on how to configure each of these components, see Working with Application Overview details.

Project Methodology

This section displays the selected development methodology for your application.

Click Edit to select from a list of all supported methodologies. Click Save when finished.

The value you specify populates the Project Methodology field on the Application form.


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