You are here: Project delivery > Application guardrails > Compliance Score tab

Compliance Score tab

Use the Compliance Score tab on the Application Guardrails landing page to understand guardrail violations from an executive-level point of view. The metrics on this tab help you see how complex or custom code is introduced over time and the impact of those changes on project quality.

Additional options allow you to communicate these details to application stakeholders.

You can also view these metrics that are related to the compliance score:

The rules included in or excluded from compliance score-related metrics:

Tip: Improve your compliance score by reducing the number of warnings in your application.

Note: The Warning Details tab gives you a centralized view of these warnings, with more information on the actions you can take to resolve them.

Compliance score

Scores can range from 0-100, with 100 representing the highest possible score:

The system first calculates a weighted numerator based on the number of severe and moderate warnings in the application. It then makes a comparison against the remaining number of rules in the application; those with caution level or no warnings. The result is converted to a percentage, protecting against any negative values, as outlined in the formula below:

Variables are interpreted as follows: