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About Survey rules

  1. About 
  2. New 
  3. Instructions 
  4. Question Pages 
  5. History 

This rule type is part of the PegaSurvey framework. Survey rules are available to users with access to the PegaSurvey RuleSet.

Both developers and managers can create, update, and execute surveys. Although developers can work directly with survey rule forms, as a best practice, create and manage surveys through the My Surveys tab on the Survey Management landing page.

Access the landing page by selecting Designer Studio > Survey Management .

Survey rules organize questions and question pages for efficient presentation and reuse in flows.

The survey is the top-level rule in a PegaSurvey structure. You can organize surveys into survey groups. Within a survey include at least one question page, as well as a group of questions (Simple and Complex questions) usually related to a single category of information.

Where referenced

When a survey is ready for use, a developer must include it in an application flow so it is available to end users.


Survey rules are instances of the Rule-PegaQ-Questionnaire class. They are part of the survey category.