You are here: Reference > Standard data instances > Operator IDs

Initial Operator IDs (Data-Admin-Operator-ID)

The installed Pega 7 Platform includes instances for four operators in the organization. To secure your system, log into [email protected] and update these Operator IDs to use a secure password. Do not use these Operator IDs except as described below.

Operator ID


Safe to delete?

[email protected]

For initial and emergency access to the system with only standard rules. You cannot access applications. Uses the reserved and locked access group PRPC:Administrators.

This operator ID is locked, but you can change the password. Change the password from the Profile display.

This Operator ID is overwritten during an upgrade; any changes you made before the upgrade are lost.


Default operator used when system is being monitored by AES for AES to call back.


Only if you are not using AES.
[email protected]

Not used.

This operator ID is locked, except for the password. Change the password from the Profile display.

This Operator ID is overwritten during an upgrade; any changes you made before the upgrade are lost.


Default operator for examples of directed Web access.

This operator ID is locked, except for the password. Change the password from the Profile display.

This Operator ID is overwritten during an upgrade; any changes you made before the upgrade are lost.

ExternalInviteUser Used for Invite Collaborator DWA feature. Only if you are not using the Invite Collaborator DWA feature.
IntSampleUser Used for example integrations. Yes.
[email protected]

Default operator for Rule-Service-Portlet examples.

This operator ID is locked, except for the password. Change the password from the Profile display.

This Operator ID is overwritten during an upgrade; any changes you made before the upgrade are lost.

PRPC_SOAPOper Used by the SOAP APIs that enable PMF or other external systems to integrate with the development system. Only if you are not using the SOAP API.
stocktrader Used for sample StockTrader application. Yes.
[email protected] Provides access to the Usage Validation portal for generating reports for contractual obligations for Pega licensing. Yes, but you may need to recreate the user if you need to access the Usage Validation portal later.

After installation, you can use the New Application wizardto create an application and operators for the organization you specify. This tool is accessed from the Application menu. The following Operator IDs are generated when the New Application wizardis executed by [email protected]:


Purpose Developer in the organization specified in the Application Settings dialog of New Application wizard Manager in the organization specified in the Application Settings dialog of New Application wizard Application user in the organization specified in the Application Settings dialog of New Application wizard