You are here: System operations > Apache Ignite client-server clustering topology > Switching back to embedded mode from Apache Ignite client-server mode

Switching back to embedded mode from Apache Ignite client-server mode

If you use Apache Ignite client-server mode, you can switch back to embedded mode, by doing a rolling upgrade (rolling restart).

Caution!  After switching back to embedded mode from client-server mode, all distributed data is lost. The distributed data is in the stand-alone Apache Ignite server cluster that is shut down after the mode is switched back to embedded mode. Back up the data before switching to embedded mode.

  1. Upgrade your Pega Platform by following the appropriate Pega Platform Upgrade Guide and selecting a rolling restart. For more information, see Performing a rolling upgrade (rolling restart).

  2. Modify the prconfig.xml file for each node that you upgrade before you start the node, and remove the settings that were added during switching to the Apache Ignite client-server mode. Pega Platform is forced to use the default settings.

  3. Shut down all stand-alone Apache Ignite servers after all the nodes are upgraded and no longer use the stand-alone Apache Ignite server cluster.