You are here: Reference > Rule types > Data Transforms > Data Transform form - Completing the Definition tab - Update Page action

Data Transform form
Completing the Definition tab — Update Page action


The Update Page action sets the page context for the subsequent (children) steps.

Use the Update Page action when you want to set values on a target page that is different from the data transform's primary page, and you want to:

For example, the following data transforms are equivalent:

Set pyWorkPage.CustomerType equal to "Existing"
Set pyWorkPage.CustomerLevel equal to "Bronze"


Update PagepyWorkPage
Set .CustomerType equal to "Existing"
Set .CustomerLevel equal to "Bronze"

In the second example, the Update Page action sets the page context to the pyWorkPage, so that the page does not have to be specified for the Target fields in the following children steps.

You can set the page context for the target only, or for both the target and source. To set the page context for the source, select with values from in the Relation list.


Update Page pyWorkPage
  Set .ZipCode equal to "02139"
  Set .TelPrefix equal to "617"
Update Page pyWorkPage with values from Employees
  Set .ZipCode equal to .PostalCode
  Set .TelPrefix equal to .Prefix

Relationship settings

Supported features

You can use the following items in the Update Page action:


About Data Transforms