

Configures the Client Store process.


configure( options )


This method does not return anything.


The options object contains the following configuration parameters.

Name Description Type Use
sendItemsURL An absolute location of the service for triggering the StoreAndForward process. string required
getItemsStatusURL An absolute location of the service for monitoring the StoreAndForward process. string required
triggerPackagingURL An absolute location of the service for triggering the MapsReplication process. string required
packagingActivity A name of the activity for triggering the MapsReplication process. string required
getDataSynchPackageURL An absolute location of the service for getting the MapsReplication's package. string required
reportChangesForTypes An array of synchronization item types for which changes will be reported after every MapsReplication operation. Item types are freely defined data item categories, presented as string values. They are used in correlation with data handles to identify individual data items. object required

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Client Store
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