Back Forward Working with the rule History Details display

The View full history button on the History tab of a rule form displays the history of the rule. The system converts dates and times from the internal UTC format to your time zone, which may be different than the time zone of the person who updated the rule.

Field and Property


Pencil When present, indicates that an earlier version of this rule is available.
Date and time of the history event.

Text describing the event for this history line. Optionally, the security text can be generated by the security audit feature.

Updated By

Operator ID of the person who added this history event. Click this link to view, in a new window, the reporting structure of this operator (as defined by the Reports to field on the Operator tab of the Operator ID form).


Select the checkboxes for any two versions of this rule to compare them using the Rule Compare utility. When you have selected two versions, click  Compare  to view the comparison. See About the Rule Compare utility.

Add Memo

Open the Add Memo field by clicking the expansion button to the left of the title. A free-form text field displays. Click Add Memo to add the text you entered to the history of the rule.

 History for All Versions 

Click to see the history of all versions of this rule with the same name, RuleSet, and circumstance qualification, if any.

After you click this button, the button label changes to let you return to the original display, showing the history of only the current version. For example, if the History Details window is initially opened for a rule in version 05-01-05, the label on the button becomes "History of Version 05-01-05".

This button does not appear for Class rules (Rule-Obj-Class rule type) and a few other rule types. Class rules have an associated version field, but do not belong to a single specific RuleSet version.

 History of Version NN-NN-NN  

Click to return to the original display, showing only the history of this open rule. C-2598 5.2

Reviewing the saved history of this rule C-2598 5.2

To review the saved history for this rule, click History For All Versions. The History section of the pop-up window refreshes and identifies the version number associated with each rule. This display includes the history of this rule plus the history of lower- and higher-numbered versions.

For qualified rules, the display shows all versions of rules that also match the qualifications of this rule (circumstance property, circumstance date, start date, and end date).

Adding a memo

Enter text in the Add Memo field, then click  Add Memo   to add the text to the memo area in the top part of the form. This text becomes part of the history.

Restoring an older version (for RuleSets that use check-out)

If the check-out capability applies to the RuleSet containing this rule instance, click (Pencil) in the row below the history line of interest to see an older, historical copy of this rule instance. You can then use the Restore toolbar button to make the older copy become the current copy. This accomplishes a type of "undo." See How to restore an earlier copy of a rule after check-in.

Security audit feature

If your application implements the optional security audit feature, the History Details display can identify which values were added, updated, or removed from a rule or data object. See How to enable security auditing for rule or data changes.

Using the Rule Compare utility to compare versions of the rule

You can compare changes between any two versions of the rule by selecting the checkboxes beside two history entries and clicking Compare. The Differences Found report of the Rule Compare utility appears. If you do not select exactly two versions, the Differences Found report will not appear.


If this rule was imported from another PRPC system using the Import Archive facility, the history details display reflects only those changes made after the imported rule arrived in this PRPC system.

The system saves rule history details as instances of the History-Rule class. By default, instances of the History-Rule class correspond to rows in the pr4_history_rule database table.

Related topics How to complete and use the History tab of a rule form
How to enable security auditing for rule or data changes

UpDesigner Studio basics