Back Forward Application Guardrails landing page

The Guardrails landing page helps you understand how compliant an application is with PRPC's best practices by reporting on key metrics such as warnings, alerts, and custom rules. Regularly examine these tabs on this landing page as part of your governance process.

Access this landing page by selecting the > Application > Guardrails menu item.

The following tabs are available on this landing page:

Warnings indicate conditions that can degrade system reliability, performance, and data integrity. Strive to eliminate these conditions before putting rules into production.

NOTE:  The metrics displayed on the tabs of this landing page do NOT include warnings on rules imported from other PRPC systems. For these rules to appear in warning calculations, you must explicitly re-save them.


Compliance Score tab

This tab details guardrail violations from an executive level point of view. Use the displayed metrics to understand how complex or custom code is introduced over time and how those changes impact project quality:

  1. Make selections in the application scoping control to isolate which application layers you want to evaluate. By default, the current application is selected.
  2. Specify values in the From date and To date fields to isolate rules that were last updated within that date range. By selecting different dates, you can see compliance trends and begin to correlate development changes with fluctuations in the number of warnings.
  3. Click Apply filter to update metrics based on your selection criteria.
  4. Review % Compliant rules to understand the percentage of rules in your application that are free of all warnings, including severe, moderate, and caution warnings.
  5. Click on the number of Rules with warnings or Rules with unjustified warnings to see a list of rules by name, rule type, applies to class, last update time, and who made the last change.
  6. Review your application's compliance score . This 0-100 value measures overall application compliance and appears in the weighted score field.
  7. Review metrics in the System alerts by week chart to understand alert and interaction count trends over time (up to the last 4 weeks).
  8. Use the Export to PDF button to generate a single report of all metrics on this tab for further review or distribution.



Summary tab

This tab gives a visual representation of the number of warnings in your application by displaying two, color coded bar graphs. Use the displayed metrics to understand warning distribution across rule type and severity:

  1. Make selections in the application scoping control to isolate which application layers and classes you want to evaluate. By default, the current application and "All Classes" are selected.
  2. Specify values in the From date and To date fields to isolate rules that were last updated within that date range.
  3. Filter results by selecting warning Severity types. Choose from: severe, moderate, and caution.
  4. Filter results by selecting warning Justification types. Choose from: justified and unjustified.
  5. Click Apply Filter to update the graphs with your selections.
  6. Interact with the two graphs by hovering over different bar segments, expanding rows, and clicking on links.
  7. Click Schedule Report to email recurring reports on these metrics to project stakeholders. (See detailed instructions below).

Here are more details on how to interact with the vertical bar graphs:

Name Description
# Rules with warnings

Reports the number of rules with warnings that meet the specified filter criteria, relative to the total number of rules in the application(s).

Scan the graph from top to bottom to understand the distribution of warnings across different rule types in your application. If there are no warnings against instances of a particular rule type, that rule type is omitted from the graph.

Hover over the colored segments in each bar to see hard data: rule count and percentage of rules with and without warnings.

Expand a row to see the names of rules for a particular rule type.

Click a name to open the rule in the Designer Studio work area.

# Warnings by severity

Reports the total number of warnings that meet the filter criteria, broken down by severity type.

Scan the graph from top to bottom to understand the distribution of warnings across severity types for each rule type in your application.

Hover over the colored segments in each bar to see hard data: warning count.

Expand a row to see the name, type, and severity for each warning.


All Warnings tab

This tab displays all warnings in your application(s) in a table format. Each row represents one warning; it is natural to see the same rule appear more than once since it can have multiple warnings associated with it.

Inspect each row to understand full details about each warning:

  1. Make selections in the application scoping control to isolate which application layers and classes you want to evaluate. By default, the current application and "All Classes" are selected.
  2. Interact with the table by sorting columns and filtering values.
  3. Expand a row to quickly see a consolidated list of all warnings for a particular rule.
  4. Open items for further inspection by clicking on a rule name, class name, operator ID, or ruleset name.
  5. Click Schedule Report to email recurring reports on these metrics to project stakeholders. (See detailed instructions below).
  6. Click Export to Excel to save these metrics to your local system for offline analysis.


Charts tab

Review the charts on this tab to understand key guardrail metrics:

  1. Make selections in the application scoping control to isolate which application layer you want to evaluate.
  2. Filter the chart data by date by specifying a value in the Include rules modified on or after field.
  3. Choose to include or omit justified warnings in the chart data.
  4. Click Apply Filter to update the graphs with your selections.
  5. Interact with the charts by hovering over graphics, clicking values or selecting one of the available Chart Options: change dimension (2D or 3D), maximize the chart by opening a new window, view a summary report of the source data, or export the chart data to a PDF.

Here are more details on the available charts:



Key Guardrail Summary Metrics

The Severe Warnings pie chart illustrates the distribution of severe warnings over warning categories. For example, it can tell you how many severe warnings are in the "Data Integrity" category.

The Custom UI and Activities pie chart illustrates your application composition, specifically the percentage of activity rules, rules with non auto generated (custom) UI, and all "other rules".

Key Warnings Over time

This stacked bar chart displays when currently unresolved warnings were first introduced into your application. Use the date slider to restrict or expand the window of time you want to evaluate.

Each bar is segmented by warning category. For example, it can tell you 10 warnings were introduced on Feb 19th, 4 of which are due to Activity rules with Java steps.

Rules by Last Update Operator This bar chart displays the last operator to update a rule with a warning


How to schedule a report

The schedule report feature is available on the Summary and All Warnings tabs.

  1. Click Schedule Report to launch a window with configuration options.
  2. Select a frequency to send the report: "Daily" or "Weekly".
  3. Select Send notifications to the following users to have the system email notifications of the report.
  4. For each desired recipient, click and specify an operator name in the grid.
  5. To unsubscribe a user, remove the operator name from the grid.
  6. Click Submit when finished.

NOTE: These email notifications are sent using the standard DefaultNotify email account. Ensure this standard email account is configured properly to send outbound emails from your system.


Definitions application rulesets, conflict, connector, guardrail, warning message
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